Friday, July 5, 2013

Some black and whites I like

Different scenes, different perspectives that I shot at different times, but I have a fondness for them all.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


I am having a difficult time making up my mind about this photograph. There is something in it I like, but I am not satisfied with it overall. I like the form and the black sky (infrared treatment) but I don't like the texture of the rocks; I think they are too contrasty and gritty. Yet when I drop the local contrast on them, they become wishy-washy and ho-hum. Guess I just need to work on it all over, starting from scratch. There is something GOOD in there, I just haven't yet pulled it out.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Getting high 1

Looking east on a high country morning

Colorado's state flower, the columbine, nesting...

High Country Potpouri

There's something about this house


Functional beauty

Beneath the surface

Sunday, June 30, 2013

A Few Thorns

Color me sharp.

Come hither...

Come, let us dance the mystic path
Enter the narrow way, weave
the shadowed trace, pain and pleasure,
amongst light and dark. Let the Lord
of beauty enter. Come, dance.